- My boobs hurt ...(Aaron's down to nursing 1x/day.)
- I drank tooo much Diet Pepsi tonight.
- It's 11:20 and I should be sleeping.
- I need to go to the credit union, bank, Wallie world, Hobby lobby and Babies R US tomorrow. Anyone want to go?? I have to do this after working a few hours in the morn.
- Dan is snoring really loud... I wish it was me.
- I'm waiting for the DAMN washer to finish a load. Damn Uncle Bill(the name Reece and Aidan gave the repair man today) didn't fix the washer all the way so a new part is on order.
- My boobs hurt
- Watching rerun Oprah--really wishing I was Miley Cyrus--or maybe Oprah is a better choice since Mileys dad is really hot and you can't think your dad is hot.
- Wondering what to get Scott Gilbert for christmas...Any idea's?
- My boobs hurt
- Really bored. I was logged into work but that wasn't fun either. Although it's really nice to have time to myself.