Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thank you Dr. Brown

All that know me-know all my kids have/had reflux--colic---screaming fits--whatever you choose to call it. I decided to try the Dr. Brown bottles and yes--they really help. Aside from the strange contraption you have to put inside it and the extra parts you have to clean, they are great. Aaron has had less spitting up and seems like less irritation since I started using them for his twice a day bottle feeding. You can buy them at Babies r Us but the website for more info is http://www.handi-craft.com/.


mommy to an angel said...

Look at your sexy new avatar! Woo-Hoo.
The digestive enzyme I was talking about to help with your breastmilk is called Super Digest by Morter HealthSystem.
Glad the Dr Brown's are working - they are a pain in the booty though.

Anonymous said...


Megan said...

I hope the bottles help me out on Thursday!! That boy is a bitcher!!

mommy to an angel said...

He just needs a boob to cuddle up against and since yours are getting bigger maybe he'll be fine

mommy to an angel said...


Megan said...

Hey, I knew how to get what I want at a very young age!!! I should of been an Attorney!